Monday, August 27, 2012

Rainy Days and Mondays!

My six year old son, as he opened up his Diego umbrella in the rain:  "Take that, rain!"

Thursday, August 23, 2012

All by Myself!

Today is an epoch in my life.  I have spent the last two hours alone.  As in no children with me.  None. Nada.

My littlest started preschool today.  It has been 12 years in the making, this solitude I am now experiencing, and will be experiencing twice each week.

I'm not sure what to make of it.  On the one hand, it is nice to do what I want or need to do without worry or concern about a little one's needs.  On the other hand, I feel a bit lost.  I'm not quite sure how to best use this long-coveted time.  I must admit that this morning, after I dropped little K off, I went to Menards and Walmart.  Disappointed?

So, what does one do when one's children are no longer at home during the day?  Read, watch TV, sew, scrapbook?  Clean the floors, the bathroom or the kitchen?  Shop for groceries, toilet paper, or new shoes?  I'm just not sure yet.

I'll have to keep pondering it.  For now, I have to go pick up my little girl.  Enough alone time for today.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pump up the jam!

Things are about to get loud over here.  Okay, okay, it's already crazy loud over here.  If possible, it's going to get even louder.

Why, you ask?

Because we are getting Rock Band for our Wii.

I know I'm certifiable for allowing it to happen.  But I have to say, I'm excited too!  It's going to be a karaoke party!

Wonderful people from church are giving it to us because their boys are grown and moving out.  Their mother is happy to be losing all the large equipment (while I am trying to figure out where we will store all the stuff over here).  Our boys are thrilled to be on the receiving end of such a generous gift.

So - anyone up for a little Bon Jovi or Aerosmith?

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A new era

Two weeks from today, four of my five children will be starting school for the fall.  My fifth child will be starting her preschool class the next day.

Yes, dear friends, you read that right.  I will be on my own on a regular basis this school year.  For the first time in twelve and a half years.  For 6 hours per week, not that I'm counting.

I'm a little excited.

You might be thinking I'm a terrible mother, one who does not love her children.  Not so!  I still get sweet baby K (who is obviously not a baby anymore!) for the rest of the week, and I adore spending time with her.  She is so much fun.  And I have grown accustomed to the other kids going to school everyday, so it will be a matter of settling in to the routine again.  

Several people have asked me, "What will you do with (all) that free time?"  I don't really know yet.  The idea of regular time alone is so foreign to me, that I think it will take a little figuring out.  I imagine I'll sort it out and it might include some shopping.

However, all this anticipation aside, for those of you who know me well, you know that no matter how much I am looking forward to some free time,  I will still be weepy when we leave her at school.  It is completely inevitable.  My baby!  My last child, in school!

I think I might cry all the way to the mall, where some retail therapy will ease the ache a bit.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Things A Five Year Old Would Say

Do you remember the show $25,000 Pyramid?  (Or in later years, $100,00 Pyramid - inflation, you know.)  Do you remember the final round, where the contestant and his or her celebrity partner went for the Big Money?  I do, because I loved that show.  And there was always a category called "Things A _________ Would Say".  Below, thanks to my resident five year old, our take on the category.

"Can dogs read?"

"Who is gonna be the last person to die?"

"Can people live underwater?"

"Mom - I made up a song about God.  'God is the best!  The number one best!'"

"Mommy!  I know you're so glad you have me!"  Yes, I say.  "Because if you don't want to clean up, I will!"

"Was there trash when Jesus lived?"  Yes, I say.  "Wow!"

"Dad?  Do skyscrapers really scrape the sky?"

My celebrity partner (Nipsey Russell) and I would have aced this one right away.  Dick Clark would have been impressed.