Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Seven things I'm lovin' right now

In no particular order:

Little K's delight over her new days-of-the-week undies.  She is loving choosing the right undies for the right day.  Bonus - she's learning and stylish at the same time!

The cooler weather.  Fall seems to have finally arrived! Now if only winter wouldn't follow. . .

My 12 year old's handsome face.  We got his confirmation pictures back finally (because I was incredibly slow in getting them ordered) and I love them.   I may or may not have hugged him too exuberantly when I was looking at them.

Children without fevers.  Little K seems to be on the upswing today, thankfully!

Aldi-brand Velveeta.  Gird yourselves, readers.  Some of you may cringe at what you're about to read.  Yes, I had to buy some Velveeta (so of course I bought Aldi's version) for a recipe last week, and yes, last night I enjoyed some salsa-cheesy goodness with tortilla chips.  If eating it was wrong, I don't wanna be right!

Budgets!  We have tweaked ours and it is a beautiful thing!  I know it sounds crazy, but I love the freedom it gives me, and the challenge to make it all work each pay period.

Our church family.  We are embarking on a new church building campaign, and I have been amazingly inspired by so many people as we all reflect on how our church is our family.  What a blessing to be here, in this place, at this time!

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