Saturday, September 21, 2013

Happy birthday, son!

12 years ago today, at 11:23 a.m., our second child was born.  Just 18 months after our first, his arrival made our lives busier, without a doubt, but so joyful at the same time.  He was such a good baby, happy most of the time, and learned the go-with-the-flow lifestyle that was helpful at the time and indispensable in our house now.  I am so proud of the young man he is becoming and we are so enjoying watching his personality mature and deepen as he gets older.

12 years ago yesterday I was admitted into the hospital to be induced.  It was a tiring business, his delivery.  I celebrated yesterday by doing some tiring activities in commemoration:

I subbed in 4th grade at our Lutheran grade school.  I have never subbed, and haven't taught in 15 years.  But the kids were great and I enjoyed it a lot!  So many memories of my own teaching days came back to me, though things have changed quite a bit!  The poor children had to do things the "old-fashioned" way, because I couldn't run the smart board that they are accustomed to.  And by old-fashioned, I mean the white board (which in fact, I never had when I taught - we only had chalkboards!).

The fact that it went well, however, does not erase that fact that it was exhausting.  Afterward, I felt like I did my first day of teaching, way back in 1995 - tired.  Except in 1995 I had no children or husband and was able to go back to my little apartment in St Louis and crash on my hand-me-down couch.  This time, I had a meeting after school with one of my children's teachers, then headed to a cross country meet to watch my almost-twelve year old run a 2K.

After the meet, we headed home, regrouped for a few minutes, then welcomed 7 sixth grade boys into our home.  To spend the night (I know, I know!).  We had pizza and a light saber cake, with a side helping of serious volume.    These boys are CRAZY loud, and I'm no newbie to loud!  They played Beyblades and Pokemon and Capture the Flag (sorry, neighbors!) and Rock Band and Wii.  But really, I can't complain - they all had good manners and played well together.  What did we expect with eight 12 year olds in our (mostly hardwood-floor) house?  Peace and quiet while they played Checkers and discussed their favorite classic novel while listening to Mozart?  Not gonna happen.

So today I am washing bed linens and picking up random electronic chargers and Beyblades and listening to happy boys sing and play "Final Countdown".  It's not quiet, but it's good.  And a certain resident 12 year old boy is having a very happy birthday.

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