Friday, May 15, 2009

Yesterday, I took the two little boys to Chicago for my four year old's yearly doctor's visit. Because it is a long day, it became sort of an event - we got to eat out, see Chicago's skyline, etc.

Because he was such a good boy during his x-ray, the technicians gave my son a beanie baby. He wanted me to cut off the tag while we were waiting in the exam room. I started to throw it away, but he said, "No Mom! I want to save it for a silverware!!"

Hhmm, I think he meant souvenir. . .


ccjmommy said...

Until he scooped up his mac and cheese later that night with a heart shaped tag...
Did you eat at Mickey's? Yummmmmm.

mammamilk said...

Funny, sis! Yes, I got Mickey's to go and took some home to my hubby. It is just like we remember. . .!