Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Oh how the years go by. . .

Nine years ago today, my daughter was baptized. She slept angelically in my arms the entire service (and it was the Easter vigil, which is slightly lengthy - ask my brother and sister-in-law who still like to give us a hard time about it!), including during the baptism itself. I was worried about her, because she often had fussy periods as a newborn. But she came through, and we didn't hear a peep out of her.

Until after the service.

During all the pictures (which were taken at about 9:30 or 10:00 p.m., to be fair to her), she is screaming bloody murder. I'm sure my smile is strained, due to her constant wailing, as well as due to the fact that because of a nursing mishap, I had to wear my brother-in-law's suit jacket. I'm sure I was thinking, "Get this over with! This baby needs to go to bed!" Whatever my thoughts were at the time, the pictures are precious to me now.

My "baby" is nine, and is such a blessing to us. Her constant cheer, imagination and joy for life makes us smile. She is a wonderful big sister to her brothers, thinking up games for them to play, and encouraging them when they are down. The faith that was given to her on her baptism is integral to her being now, and she is truly a godly daughter to us. I am thankful for the nine years God has given us with her, and I look forward to building a lifetime of memories with her.


Kendra Allegra said...

Isn't it amazing how they grow into the godly girls we hope'd they would be on the day we held them in our arms?

Heidi said...

I was just telling your hubby the other day, what a wonderful young lady she is becoming. We are so proud and honored to be a part of her life. She is not only a great sister but a wonderful cousin and role model to her twin cousins down here. They look up to her so much and I can't think of anyone better for them to look up to.

Fruitful Harvest said...

Hi there~
I came to your blog from the QF digest!
We have a Astro van too! We just love it! It had a mishap though...its posted on my blog.

The Garden Gate....

Georgiann QF momma of 6 so far!