Saturday, November 15, 2008

Not everything works like rollover minutes, son

This morning at breakfast, my 7 year old son (who is feeling better now after his bout with illness yesterday) asked if he could have both today's allowed pieces of candy as well as yesterday's pieces.
He's nothing if not optimistic!


KIM :-) said...

HAHA, he and Jake are a lot alike and not just in the looks dept! :-D

muskydave said...

sounds like a reasonable request to me.

mammamilk said...

Dad - then you come over and handle the I've-had-too-much-candy-and-now-I'm-bouncing-off-the-walls situation we would be sure to have!!! :)

ccjmommy said...

I tell Little Bear that he ate today's candy yesterday. He doesn't like that response. And are your kiddos asking you for candy every five minutes? I'm going candy crazy!

muskydave said...

That's the fun of being a grandparent, we can allow but don't have to wait around for the results