Saturday, March 9, 2019

Overheard, Over Here

Child:  handing up a tissue pack from the back of the suburban "Can you put these back in the constellation?"
Parent: "Do you mean console?"

Parent:  "Which hymn do you want to sing for devotions?"
Child:  announces hymn number, then while parent is looking the other way mouthes to sibling: "I chose it because it only has three verses"
Sigh.  Apparently singing hymns is not this child's favorite devotional discipline.

Parent:  "Out of all the boys in the world, how did we get the best ones?"
Boy:  "Don't you mean the best one?"

Child:  playing Extreme Makeover:Home Edition with playmobil figures  "And then Ty is going to kill them all!"
Parent:  "What did you say?"
Child:  "I took a turn away from the show!"
Thankfully, the child took another turn and all the participants and stars instead lived happily ever after.

Child:  "When is the rental student going back to his country?"
Parent:  "Do you mean exchange student?"

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