Monday, December 13, 2010

My (not so) secret addiction

Last week, a crisis occurred in our house. A near tragedy. A situation which caused me to practically hyperventilate.

Our internet was out for 3 days.

Dear reader, I felt like my right arm had been cut off. There was so much to do, so many people to communicate with, documents to print, bills to pay. . .and NO INTERNET on which to do it all.

I resorted to old fashioned ways of getting it all done. I picked up the phone and actually called people and I begged my husband to pleaseplease print out my forms.

It was a decidedly difficult time. I wish I could say that all this technology-less time made me reminiscent of the good old days when we weren't able to have whatever we wanted rightthisveryminute.

I can't, though. I truly, truly missed it. It is amazing how quickly I have become dependent on the internet for most everything: recipes, yellow pages, communication, shopping. It's a little hard to remember how we ever lived without it.

Our problem was finally resolved with a new router and cable. I was embarrassingly ecstatic!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Advent One

Says my four year old:

"Mommy, after I wash my hands, can I play with an electronic device?"

Okay, I'm really tempted to click "publish post" and count this as a post, though it is a mere 18 words. I have been quite negligent in my bloggy pursuits of late, not for lack of desire, but lack of oomph, and also time. Things are running at a fevered pitch around here, and finding a few minutes to organize my brain seems to be too lofty a goal.

Now that Thanksgiving is past, we are full speed ahead toward Christmas, and with it comes so many more things on my to-do list. Decorate, write (and print, stuff and stamp!) our Christmas letter. Bake cookies, shop for, hide oh-so-carefully, and then wrap 1,298 presents. Though I truly love the season, a girl can get overwhelmed.

Tonight, though, was our first Advent midweek worship. My husband was able to sit with us (something we enjoy about 4 times a year), so I was able to semi-worship. Actually, I had to take our youngest out in the narthex, and while she walked around, I followed along and sang to my heart's content. It was quite nice! I didn't have to worry about leaving all the other kids behind alone in the pew (quite a dangerous prospect), so I was able to focus on what I was singing (mostly, since my dear little one was interested in the staircase several times). Anyway, it was very good to be able to turn my heart and mind toward the real reason we celebrate Christmas.

Not to give and get presents, not to have extended family get togethers, not to bake till our tummies are full, not to decorate our houses to the nines, but to worship the Christ Child.

E'en so Lord Jesus, quickly come!