Saturday, January 18, 2020

Hymn Sing

Tonight after dinner, we sang our nightly hymn for our family devotions (#676 LSB Behold a Host, Arrayed in White - one of my favorites).  When we were done, I invited commanded one child to do the dishes and the rest to clear, as per our nightly custom.  After the usual silly complaints, the table was cleared and the dining room vacated.  Under the back drop of children's antics, I sat and flipped through the hymnal, singing the occasional stanza of a favorite now and then.  Within a few moments, I grabbed a post it and penned the following list:

Hymns/Songs for my Funeral Concert

For All the Saints
Jerusalem, My Happy Home
Behold, a Host Arrayed in White
The Church's One Foundation
I Know that My Redeemer Lives
Christ is Risen
Alive, Again
Untitled Hymn

Perhaps this is morbid?  I don't know.  I'm always telling my poor husband,  "When I die, you should have this hymn (song) at my funeral". I finally realized that I wanted so many pieces that maybe we better call it a concert. :) 

These hymns and songs are so meaningful to me.  The saints! Christ's resurrection!  The Church! Heaven!  My faith is strengthened and I am often moved to tears literally every time I sing any of them.  What joy and hope and comfort they all give me!

What are your favorites?  What hymns/songs speak to you?