Saturday, October 12, 2019

Lutheran School Round Up!

A little while ago, I shared a blogpost written by a friend of mine (who was almost my student 20 plus years ago - I missed teaching her by one year!).  She is a Lutheran educator now, and was writing about the benefit of a Lutheran education for her children, and the children in her community.  My husband and I also strongly believe in Lutheran education (after all, we both received our degrees in that very thing!) and the impact they make on not only the children enrolled, but also their families. 

Just after reading her blogpost, I came across a list complied by Lutheran teachers. The answers listed everything the teachers loved about being a Lutheran teacher.  Below, a few of the reasons these teachers love their jobs:

  • Sharing Jesus with their students, in every subject, in every aspect of their days
  • Praying with their students, for their students, and with their colleagues
  • Relationships!  With families, students and church members
  • Watching their students witnessing to others and having their own faith strengthened
  • Smaller class sizes and more personalized instruction
  • Giving the students blessings - at the beginning and end of the school year, and daily as well
  • Introducing a student to Jesus for the first time
  • Teaching the children of former students
  • Witnessing student baptisms
  • Being "Jesus with skin on"
  • The privilege to shape all parts of the child: physical, emotional, spiritual, intellectual
  • Sharing Jesus with their students, all day, every day
As I read the list, almost every other answer was the one I listed first and last - the privilege to share Jesus with their students all day long.  Overwhelmingly, the Lutheran school teachers were overjoyed to be able to pray with their students and to infuse Jesus into every aspect of their days.  

Christian schools (like all schools, Christian or otherwise) are not without struggle.  But at the core of every Lutheran school is the deep desire to share Christ with their students.  We are grateful to belong to a church that strongly supports a Lutheran school, and that church and school has become our family.  The teachers at our school have prayed for, rejoiced with, cried with and laughed with our family over the years.  And these teachers have reinforced daily, hourly, the faith we are teaching our children at home.  Praise God for Lutheran Schools!

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