Saturday, September 7, 2019

Bits and Pieces #23

  • My freshman son has been playing tennis at his new high school.  Back in middle school, I played tennis with a local team and I loved it, so I was thrilled when he joined the team.  We've watched several matches now, and our son is doing well, learning this brand new game.  But, I have to say I have run into a little snag with the whole tennis parent thing.  It seems that tennis is a quiet sport.  As in, very little cheering, noise-making etc.  Hhmmm.  In general for my family, that is the antithesis of who we are.  If tennis is the Quiet Sport, then we are the Loud Family.  However, I can't say that my family has struggled with being quiet while watching their brother/son, but I have!  I want to cheer for him!  I want to say good job, rally back, nice serve!  I am trying to quietly cheer for my boy from the sidelines, and I feel I deserve some sort of award. I'm not sure my son agrees, though, because at Thursday's match, he quietly told me to ssshhh when he walked to the fence to retrieve a ball.  I'm doing my best, son, I'm doing my best.
  • Preschool and my mommy and me class are off to a good start!  I am loving my new little preschoolers -- getting to know their personalities, teaching them new songs and concepts, and most of all telling them about Jesus!  On the very first day of school, my class of 3/4 year olds went to chapel.  For the entire year, we will go to chapel at 9:00 on Wednesdays, and the first day was no exception.  So -- imagine the scene.  I am receiving 15 children into my room for their first day of school at 8:00.  For some of these little ones, this is their very first time at school and away from mom and dad.  So there is always a little crying and adjusting those first days.  But this year wasn't too bad in the homesick department, so we soon readied ourselves for the long walk to the church for chapel.  The students did well walking in the new concept of a line, and did well as we entered sanctuary.  I had been telling them down the hallway as we walked that we would be quiet in church, listening to the teacher talk to us about Jesus, our Savior who loves us very much.  As we entered the church and started sitting down, I also told the children we would be singing lots of songs while we were at chapel.  One of my sweet little ones very earnestly looked up at me and said "We could sing Old Town Road at chapel!"  It was so sweet, and the song is full of fond memories for me from our summer vacation, but I had to tell him that we would be singing some different songs instead.  😀
  • Last weekend my husband and I went away to northern Michigan.  We lounged on the beach, we ate at grown up restaurants, we finished our sentences, we read books (I read FOUR books!), we slept in, and we just enjoyed each other's company.  Our parents generously stayed with the kids and carted them to and fro, took them out to dinner and movies and mini golf and kept the house afloat while we were gone.  We came back refreshed and ready to tackle the fall.  So thankful for my husband, and that he always insists we take a little time away together.  I would too easily get bogged down thinking we absolutely couldn't be away from the kids, but he wisely knows us going away for a few days is good for us and the kids.  And it was!
  • We took our (sophomore!) girl to college about three weeks ago.  It was a little hard to leave her (though nothing like last year!), but I know she's happy and right where she should be.  We got her all settled in with her roommate and it was great to see her excited to see all her friends.  She's got a heavy load this semester, but she's up to the challenge.  I'm so very proud of her and I can't wait to see the year unfold for her!  (And also I'm excited to see her in a few weeks!)

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