4:30 Decide we will have dinner in the brand new Instant Pot (which I purchased for a fabulous low price at Kohl's of course).
4:31 Commence reading all the directions.
4:32 Feel terrified that the house will blow up due to exploding pot pressure
4:40 Feel vaguely competent and begin looking for a recipe.
4:42 Gather ingredients for mexican chicken recipe.
4:46 With great trepidation, begin the Instant Pot cycle and pray we live to see tomorrow.
4:46:05 Adjust cycles several times, re-reading non-user-freindly directions and searching fruitlessly for an apparently misnamed function.
4:50 Watch the steam valve spew steam, and remind all the children to give the Instant Pot a wide berth at all times, lest death occur.
4:55 Approach the Instant Pot, being certain the valve is in its low, resting position.
4:56 After removing the lid, attempt to shred meat and find it is done, but not at shreddable done-ness.
4:56:05 Feel frustrated.
4:57 Add two more minutes to timer and hope for the best.
5:01 Attempt to speed along the valve-dropping process, touch the valve (as the directions say can be done), and jump backward a mile when steam wails out of the valve.
5:02 Take deep breaths and remind myself that I am in charge of the Instant Pot.
5:03 Pour myself a glass of wine.
5:04 Attempt to remove the lid and find that it is stuck.
5:05 Listen to ridicule from my eldest son. Stick my tongue out at him.
5:06 Re-read the directions AGAIN to see what is wrong.
5:07 With great fear and trembling, mess with the valve thingy and let out the rest of the steam.
5:08 Finally open the lid and give great thanks that the meat is shreddable now.
5:09 Shred meat in kitchenaid mixer (one of its amazing uses!).
5:10 Serve dinner to family.
5:11 Call the Instant Pot a qualified success.
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