Thursday, December 8, 2011

My happenin' nightlife

A recent night-in-the-life of mammamilk:

10:15 I finally sit down to watch an in-progress episode of Law and Order.
10:45 My 7 year old son arrives in the family room, sleepy and out of sorts.
10:49 My son glances up from cuddle spot in my lap to see a gun on the TV.
11:00 We go up to bed and I reassure son who is concerned about seeing a gun.
11:10 Though I am tired and should go to sleep stat, I glance through Facebook on my phone.
11:25 I go to sleep (with my 11 year old in bed with me - did I mention my husband was out of town on this particular night?).
12:30 7 year old is awakened by a dream (presumably a bad one, due to my less-than-stellar-parenting skills re: Law and Order glimpse).
1:30 My 2 year old comes in. I take her back to her rocking chair, where she sleeps. (Beds are not for sleeping in! They are for storing stuffed animals! Haven't you heard?)
3:20 My 2 year old visits again. I try putting her in bed with my older daughter and me. She is restless and leaves.
3:26 Though I desperately don't want to get up, I get up to find out where she has gone. I find her sleeping on the hallway floor. I hope for the best and go back to bed.
3:45 She's baaaack! I pull her into bed with me, where I notice she is making suspicious noises. I rush her to the bathroom, where she attempts to vomit (but doesn't have much to get rid of).
4:10 I fall asleep next to my daughters, who are both sleeping now.
4:16 More attempted vomit, which I was prepared for and caught in a towel.
4:31 I fall asleep.
4:45 Yes, a third time, more dry heaves.
5:00 Sweet baby K is in a deep sleep next to me and I fall asleep.
5:16 The smoke alarm chirps for low battery. I am not kidding.
5:45 My 10 and 5 year olds come in, wanting to get up. My 10 year old is irate about waking up so early all the time, and demands answers about why he can't sleep past 5:15.
6:15 The whole house is awake. I struggle to the shower.

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.


Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

Wow, I am exhausted just reading your post. It's been a long, long time since I had nights like that. I really hope you get some sleep soon!

Favorite Little Princess said...

Ah...this reminds me of my house! People ask me if I'm going to try for a boy - uh NO! I'd much rather sleep. LOL.

Glenda said...

As a parent you can not make this up. I only have one little one but I go through it a lot as well as he does not want to go to sleep when I do and I never know where I will find him in the mornings.

Shannon said...

When it rains, it pours. Go back to bed preferably after having a glass of wine (or three.)

Rahul kuntala said...

Hahaha (at 11.25). So you don't get good sleep at night. Love this post, really made me laugh.

May god help you to have a proper sleep everyday :)

Just Jaime said...

Wow. What a night! Sorry for your sick little one =(

Unknown said...

This reminds me of when my kids were younger. Thankfully they are older now and "usually" I get somewhat of a full nights sleep-- if the dog doesn't have to go out (why did we get a dog?!). Hopefully you have a better night for sleeping sometime this week!

Anonymous said...

You made me smile...especially the part about the smoke alarm!

We have two little ones under the age of 4 so I can definitely relate!

Hoping you get more sleep soon :)

Stephanie said...

This is seriously one of the funniest posts I've read. Thankfully, my children are spaced far enough apart that I don't have these type of issues, but I can totally relate to the calamities of motherhood. Great post. Can't wait to follow your blog to see more!

Hopkins family said...

The smoke alarm comment was funny. Our lives are similar.

Eschelle Westwood Mumfection said...

oh jeez, these are the days you pray for the pause button to show up in the mail, "good for all ages, even husbands!!!" *sigh* that would be lovely!

Unknown said...

Now I need a nap. Oh, my goodness what a rough night.

Nikki said...

Goodness gracious! Are you exhausted? I know I would be! My son is seven, and still thinks his bed is just for storing stuffed animals. He sleeps with like 40 of them at once!

Mariah @ said...

Oh the joys of being a parent. I have definitely had nights like these! Luckily I have been able to sleep fairly well the past week or so. I better knock on wood now that I admitted that!

Formula Mom

Warrior MAMA said...

Unfortunately, I can relate!

Both my kiddos have special needs. Along with those comes the inability for me to get a good night's sleep!

The past month has not been too bad, but I am routinely wakend 2-5 times every night. And my kids are 10 and 12.

I feel your pain!


Tiffany said...

Wow makes me even more sleepy than I already am! But alas...that's the life of a momma :)

Le Club Virtuel de Couture said...

Wow, just reading this i was exhausted! I only have a toddler right now, you're making me wonder when (not if) I'll have other children. I love to sleep!!!

Mrs. M said...

This post made me so tired! I only have one kiddo and thankfully we haven't really experienced a night like this!

I hope things get better for you and you can get some sleep!

Erin O'Riordan said...

Kids are so sweet and lovable - as long as they're somebody else's. I'm so not jealous of parents.

I do hope you get some good sleep soon, though.

Anonymous said...

ah, the life of a mom...and i like the background.... :D

Running After Raina said...

You definitely have a busy life!!! Being a mom really keeps you on your toes :)

life...just saying said...

Oh, the joys of parenting young children. It passes way too quickly...even with sleepless nights. Sleep is highly overrated lol!

About JollyJilly said...

Oh my it so reminds me of when mine were small. My son woke me at 3am every night for a whole year . My daughter didn't sleep through till she was 4!! They are 30 and 25 now lol

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you weren't at my house? My husband is gone a lot with his job and we go through the same thing with my 4 kids.

Anonymous said...

The smoke alarm. Loved it. Oh I can imagine. You finally get 2 minutes of sleep and then you hear the harmonious sounds of something else on your long 'to-do' list! Sounds like a tough night but seems you are pretty nifty with the towel. Tomorrow is a new day!

Julie Baswell said...

Yep, member those days and don't miss em.

Julie said...

Oh that just cracks me up! I sooo know what nights like those are like... accept with just 3 kids. Christmas Eve last year... puking 3 year old... pooping explosive diapers(ya he wasn't potty trained just yet... it followed soon after) in the middle of the night ALL OVER the bed... then what else? Oh yeah, the hubby had been sick since about 10pm Christmas Eve, leaving the wrapping and festivities to his lucky wife... and he was up a few times puking and uh um... well visiting the bathroom. As soon as I would lay down, he'd either shake in bed- I swear he's got tremors... or the baby would cry or my mind would keep thinking ok what's going to happen next? Christmas day... well I was there, barely and way too early, thanks to my sweet child who actually got a full nights sleep! *sigh*


Anonymous said...

I have 5 kids, too, including 3-year-old twins! I can definitely relate! Your post made me laugh so hard! Thanks for sharing!

team keraus said...

We. Live. The. Same. Life.
Love it!

Becca said...

Wow, thanks for helping me remember to appreciate my sleep while I have it.

Unknown said...

Hahaha! I don't have 5 kids (just 2), but I've had way too many nights like this.
Why do fire alarm batteries always putz out in the middle of the night, by the way? Why?

Jacqui Gonzales said...

Oh wow. I am so sorry. I hope your husband gets home soon and you can get some sleep.

Wendy said...

Oh my...that sounds way to similar to My Happenin' Nightlife...We will be rewarded for our sacrifices some day. LOL

Around My Family Table

Kecia | From Mom's Desk said...

I want to nap just from reading this! I only have one, and I think I got lucky that he loves his sleep (and is still too young to climb out of his crib!). Hopefully you got some rest the following night, or maybe a cat nap during the day?!

Anjanette said...

We're transitioning our little one into sleeping on her own all night without waking. And of course now is when she gets a bad cold and can't breathe all night. I feel your pain! Now, I only have 2 (and one on the way), so it's not quite so amplified! Hope you get lots of sleep tonight! :)

Unknown said...

Oh my *deep sigh* I'm exhausted just thinking about a night like that. Mine are 15 and almost 12 so we're able to rest, now. May the force be with you, rest my young padawan.

Anonymous said...

Ahh those nights are not fun!! A little funny to read about and look back on though. Kids gotta love them!

Katie said...

sounds like we have the same problems with the little ones wanting to get in bed with us

Clarinda Olenslager said...

Reminds me of the nights I was up in August and Sept with three kiddos when they had whopping cough.

April said...

Wow! I'm tired now! I hope your little one is feeling better now.

Yannie said...

You mus be very exhausted that day. You need to relax.

Suzy Myers said...

Yep, I remember nights like that. My kids are grown and gone now, but I had plenty of long nights when they were young.

Hope you get a good nights sleep tonight!


Jing Jing said...

haha! this is such classic i have children nights. i have two little ones myself and they keep me so busy at night. so i feel you

Stephanie said...

Been there, done that and kind of glad I'm not the only one.

What I don't understand is how DH can sleep through all of it until it is after 6 am, then gets annoyed (after all he was in a deep sleep) by a little one waking him up. Yeah, that little one was up at 11:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:40 and 5. At which point I just decided to stay up. Something doesn't seem very fair here.

Johnnie said...

Wow. Not much going on around your place, huh?! Well, I need a nap from reading this :)

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Saved By Love Creations

Corinne Rodrigues said...

Poor you...I hope the little one is better now.

Michelle said...

Only happens when Daddy is gone....

Unknown said...

I can totally relate! But I only have 3. I can't imagine with 5! Hang in there mama - this too shall pass.

Unknown said...

Oh I'm so sorry! I have had many nights like that. They are not fun.
All I can say is that the next day, we ALL had "nap time" whether they wanted to or not, including my 8 year old. I said, It was for Mommy's sanity and their safety. lol.

Anonymous said...

You need a day off! Just for sleeping! I'm actually glad you wrote this post, so many people think being a mom is just "cake", it's harder than a full time job!

Starlene @ GAPS Diet Journey said...

Oh! I've had nights like that when my boys were little, but they are now grown men so thankfully those days are over. Now I have my own sleep problems and it's a miracle when I sleep through the night. I hope you get a better night's sleep tonight! said...

Geez, I remember days and nights like this. Just know, they grow up and then, they won't have time for you.

Maura said...

Ouch! I need to party like you more often - my nightlife is lame compared to yours!

Maura said...

Ouch! I need to party like you more often - my nightlife is lame compared to yours!

LaVonne said...

Oh my! Now, I realize I cannot complain at all about my life with 1 child ;)

I have one on the way. We'll see how life turns out with 2 in the house. I cannot imagine 5 though. God bless you!

Unknown said...

guh, I need a nap after reading that. I'm fairly certain that I would fall flat on my face the next day afor going through all that.

Laurel Regan said...

Wow... I don't think I could have functioned the next day after a night like that! Kudos to you!

Edelweiss Patterns said...

Oh my! What is that saying I used to hear? "A mother's work is never done!" Mothering is an endless (and often thankless) job, but once they're all grown up they will thank you for it!

BrettBMartin said...

i'm only LOL because this is often how our nights go. just with 3 kids. and mine start getting up far earlier than yours *tears*

at least we can take comfort in that we are not alone in the nighttime misery? :o)

Julee said...

As the mom to six, I'd like to officially welcome you to motherhood. The nights are long, the days are chaos...frumpy becomes our fashion after sleep deprivation. My oldest is 22...I can tell you it's all worth it...

Anonymous said...

What a restless night! The low battery alarm on the smoke alarm was priceless! Hope you've gotten some sleep since then.

NaturalFamiLea said...

You're not alone!

I have to remind myself on days like this, that sooner than I know it my kids will be grown and gone and I'll be in a quiet, clean house missing them!

Amanda said...

That sounds exactly like a night at my house. I'm so sorry. And I only have two. LOL

Tabitha (a.k.a. Penny) said...

Don't you just hate nights like that? Nights when everything (even the smoke detector) seems to be opposed to a few minutes of blissful rest. And they wonder why married couples choose sleep over sex. LOL

heidi said...

That post made me tired just reading it!

Dianna said...

The joys of being a momma, wouldn't trade it for anything. The smoke alarm chirping was the sugar on top.

Brenda said...

OMG I can't imagine. I only have one child and although he does get up from time to time in the night, he is only one child. I am hoping for a good nights sleep for your family tonight! :)

Shabby Chic Mom said...

wow, that's a tough night. I have an almost 3 year old son and his schedule is horrific. My fualt of course! I give in and let him sleep w/us just so i can have a few hours sleep

DerrickMeister said...

Hoping this kind of schedule doesn't happen too

Anonymous said...

I lost count of how many kids you have, but... what a night! I think everyone was a little out of sorts because your husband is away.

The smoke alarm is just the last straw!

Mrs. Accountability said...

Oh boy sounds like so much fun. Not. LOL. Especially the vomit catching part. But, I have to say I've been there and done that. The joys of motherhood, and one day you will look back on this post and laugh.

Dominique Goh said...

That's a really exhausting schedule. Hope that your little one is well soon so that you can get some rest.

Unknown said...

Exhausting, and I remember those days well! Enjoy them. They have a way of flying by...

Unknown said...

Oh my you had a heck of a night. I hope your little one is feeling better and that you all got a good nights rest the next night.

Viva said...

This makes me question whether I should have more children- the sleep deprivation piece is sooooooo hard for me.
-Viva recently posted Homemade Pizza Dough

penguinsandladybugs said...

Mothering is not for the weak or weak at heart! SO been there...well not exactly....but similar! We do have to laugh at our situations sometimes. It is, after all, temporary! My kids are will eventually get a straight six hours or so of sleep on a fairly regular basis!

Unknown said...

Yowza! I am not envious of your recent night life!
It gave me a chuckle, tho. :)

Lindsay said...

Know the feeling! We definitely have been there over the last few weeks.

Becky Fisher said...

Bless your heart! I'm too old for that :-) I hope you get some sleep soon and baby feels better!

Unknown said...

Wow! What a night!

Unknown said...

Wow, what a night!

Jill said...

Oh I remember those days! Thankfully it does get better as they get older! Hang in there!

Emily said...

Yikes! That is impressive. Hoping you get a good night of sleep tonight! :)

Melanie said...

Wow, I'm not sure if I could handle such a thing. Hanging out with a group of kids and attempting to keep things under control is one of the best forms of birth control!

-Melanie from Melanie's Musings

SalemMomma said...

Yep, that sounds about right, lol. Thank goodness for coffee!

Karren Haller said...

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Janet said...

Bless - Your - Heart!! I don't even know what to say to such a strong woman who would not only have 5 children, but do it alone on nights when Hubs is gone. I would be a puddle on the floor of my Daddy's house!!

Millie said...

Beds are for stuffed animals :-) That's what my little one thinks too.
Hope all are well now.

Unknown said...

Wow, is this what awaits me!! Well we are only expecting our first next week, but will be going for more afterwards.

Unknown said...

I can relate somewhat to this. My little boy just doesn't sleep well and end up coming in with my husband and myself each night. He is getting better at sleeping in his own room and eventually it will not be a problem but some days I am so tired.

Jen said...

Wow, sounds like a crazy night!!! Thanks for the laugh, especially when the fire alarm started chirping. Sounds like my life, but with a few less kiddos!

Katy said...

Yay for motherhood! It's a dirty job, but someone's got to do it. Here's to having a sense of humor about it all, too.

My Little Bit of Life said...

So sorry, those nights are never fun! "Mama said there'd be days (nights) like this." I love the part about beds being for storage, they are at my house too! ;)

Kate a.k.a. Gwenelle said...

Oh dear. You have my condolences on the lack of sleep ... but it sure made for a great post! :)

Kangaroo Mama said...

Wow, that sounds like a lot! I don't know how you do it with so many kids. I have one 16 month old that still breastfeeds throughout the night and I feel exhausted from that but your night sounded crazy! Hope things get better!

Adelina Priddis said...

and I thought my almost 2yo wanting to sleep on my 8month prego belly every night was bad! I hope every night is not so eventful for you!